Postponed to 25.09.2021

Dear Participants, we address you, as we took a difficult deceision to postpone Galaxy Vladivostok Marathon 2020 on to September 25, 2021.

Nevertheless, no matter how strong is our desire to run together with you across Vladivostok bridges, our main priority is the health and safety of the participants.

The Marathon is the festival for everyone, and there should be thousands of smiles at the finish line, not the medical face masks. We hope, that you''ll understand and support our decision. Pandemic COVID-19 is the challenge for the whole world.

We meet the challenge with the responsibility and stability.

We are sure that the rescheduling of the Marathon will not affect to the love to running by out participants, and we will together prove it, when we will meet at the start of the Fifth Anniversary Galaxy Vladivostok Marathon in 2021
Video message from the organizers
All the purchased tickets are automatically reserved to the next year on September 25, 2021.

Anyone who desire has the ability to return money till September 26, 2020.
The refund is made excluding the small commission 5%, which is charged by the bank for money transfers.
Refund procedure
If you paid for participation with a bank card:
1. Go to your personal account on the website
2. Select V Galaxy Vladivostok Marathon in the "My Orders" section
3. Click the "Cancel" button
4. Follow the instructions

If you paid for participation via PayPal:
Send an application for a refund by e-mail:, indicating the name of the event (V Galaxy Vladivostok Marathon) and your full name.

If you paid for participation via service of VL.RU:
Send an application for a refund by e-mail, indicating the name of the event (V Galaxy Vladivostok Marathon) and your full name.
To ask any questions about the rescheduling of the event or take the consultation on theme of the money refund, please:

  • write the reference to the organizers via e-mail: or
  • make a call by +7 967 7191355
+7 967 719-13-55

Russia, Vladivostok, Eniseyskaya 23G
Still got questions? Feel free to ask us!
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